A review by beastreader
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls by Steve Hockensmith


Elizabeth Bennet and her sisters don’t have a care in the world, other than finding good husbands to marry. While attending a funeral, Elizabeth and her sisters hear an awful howling sound. It is the sound of the undead. They are coming. Mr. Bennet wants his daughters to be prepared to defend themselves, so he hires Master Hawksworth to train his daughters to become vicious slayers.

Dr. Keckilpenny is a bright scientist. He also joins the fight against the undead but his ways are more unorthodox. Dr. Keckilpenny believes he can interact with the undead versus killing them. Elizabeth feels something for both men but who will she choose?

If you are looking for something a bit different to read, then you might try Dawn of the Dreadfuls. This book is the prequel to Price and Prejudice and Zombies. This book is based on events four years prior to PPZ. I have never read PPZ so I have nothing to compare it to in regards to if this book was a good prequel or not. What I can say about this book is that I thought it was an interesting morbid twist to Jane Austen’s P&P novel. If you are looking for a romantic, flowerily read then this is not the book for you but if you are looking for a dark, and sometimes gruesome zombie story then you should consider trying Dawn of the Dreadfuls. I enjoyed reading about Elizabeth and her sisters training to be zombie slayers. It was fun to watch as they went from meek to full blown slayers, who were not afraid to slice a head or two off. As much as I did like this book, there were a few times when it got a bit dry. Overall, a zombie good time.