A review by chrism1
Grand Tour: Poems by Elisa Gonzalez


In "Grand Tour," Elisa Gonzalez creates poem of exquisite beauty and tenderness. Gonzalez explores the self, memory, and dealing with trauma within the book. There's extreme sadness and pain throughout these poems, and Gonzalez connects these things with the quest for safety and home. The poem's narrator searches for a place she can feel comfortable and free after an abusive family life.

The last poems in the collection are particularly strong because they focus on how we process childhood abuse and pain. I wish these poems had been earlier in the book because they are so strong that some of the other poems especially in the middle of the book do not have the same raw emotion. If the poems had been rearranged in a different order, the book would have been have so much stronger. Gonzalez is such a strong writer that this debut makes me anxious for a second book of poems.