A review by ilovereading_tn
Sweetly by Jackson Pearce


This was a huge disappointment for me. I love her other books and was so excited to read this that I dropped everything that I was reading to start this. It was not worth my time. I found the whole book boring. I loved the whole idea of a new twist on Hansel and Gretel but this was just a flop for me. The plot wasn't great, the romance was lacking, and the characters were rude most of the time. I really think that you should judge for yourself if you want to read this or not. I don't recommend it, I am so sorry to say since I love Jackson's previous books, but I just felt there was something about it that wasn't pulling me in the way that I love to be "pulled" in to a book. So I am gonna say that this book was just "ok" for me. Not horrible, but not a "go buy it right away" book.

What I did like about this book is that after Gretchen and Ansel lost their sister in the woods, they were there for each other when no one else was. Even after they got kicked out of the house, since they were teenagers, they still stuck by each other and looked out for one another. The setting was awesome also. I love Sophia's house in Live Oak, SC. The scents that were described and treats that were made had my mouth watering for a bunch of sweets. I would love to live in a house like Sophia's and be able to wake up to those smells everyday. I just wouldn't like to live in the house with it being next to the woods, especially since there are werewolves in there. So I suggest reading a lot of reviews before you base your opinion on mine and don't even give the book a chance. You just might like it.