A review by nichecase
My Vocabulary Did This to Me: The Collected Poetry of Jack Spicer by Jack Spicer


I think you have to be a little in love with Jack to get through this collection. A singular voice.

Favourite sections: Letters to James Alexander, The Holy Grail, Map Poems, Language

For Steve Jonas who is in Jail for Defrauding a Book Club (c. 1958)
And you alone in Federal prison saying
That the whole State is based on larceny
Christ who didnЃEЂЃEt know that, Steve?
The word steals from the word, the sound from
the sound. Even
The very year of your life steals from the last one. So
Do you have to get put in jail for it? Finding
Yourself a martyr for a cause that you and your
jury and your heartbeat all support. All
This crap about being a human. To tell the
truth about our State.
You would sayЃEЂЃE
It is better than going to Europe.

Intermission I (c. 1965)
ЃEЂЃEThe movement of the earth brings harmes and fears.
Men wonder what it is and what it meant.ЃEЂЃE