A review by barry_sweezey
The Hidden Agenda of the Political Mind: How Self-Interest Shapes Our Opinions and Why We Won't Admit It by Robert Kurzban, Jason Weeden

We vote out of self interest, but fool ourselves into thinking we want what's best for everyone. We can spot the other guy's hypocrisy easily enough.

Our race, religion, income, lifestyle, sexual orientation, and social capital are highly correlated with our positions on minority preferences, the role of religion in public life, redistribution, abortion and contraception. The environment and the military, though, don't seem to be so influenced.

Political discourse becomes rancorous because, while we think we're arguing about principles, really the guy on the other side is just trying to take away your stuff.

On the other hand, he identifies many groups whose interest is served by various policies and finds majority approval, but not usually an overwhelming majority.