A review by hspaulds
Starcrossed City by Josephine Angelini


I literally did not realize this existed until something like two minutes ago!

It was really interesting reading from Daphne's perspective, especially from when she was young and only just met Ajax. I would definitely love to read more -- it would be so interesting to see how Daphne went from the teenager she is in this short story to the person she is in the Starcrossed series. Maybe another trilogy -- the whole foregone conclusion ending would be interesting and very sad to see play out.

I loved how her experiences seemed to match up with Helen's in some ways, since they both have The Face, but also clearly played out differently partly because she and Helen are such different people and partly because Daphne knew about the scion stuff while Helen spent most of her life in the dark about that. There were also some similarities to Andy's backstory and struggles, which I found really interesting, especially considering how Andy ends up with Hector, who looks a lot like Ajax.

Not gonna lie, a part of me wants more because then there'd be more of Pandora. I loved her so much, and was so sad when she was killed in the first book of the Starcrossed series. She was such an interesting character, and I really would love to know more about her and her bond with her brother Ajax -- from the little she talked about, you could tell the two were really close.