A review by blainembentley
Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch


What a wild ride! Not quite as good as the first book, but this one was still awesome!

Locke and Jean are such a fun pair to be with! I love seeing their friendship and the banter between these two. Probably one of my favorite duos that I have read. 

There were only two things that really bothered me about this book. To not go into spoilers, I will keep this vague, but there was one scene that I had been anticipating that when I finally got to this part of the story, I felt it was disappointing and I was a little underwhelmed. The second is there is another scene in this book in which I felt the tension in that scene really came out of nowhere and could have benefitted from some sort of foreshadowing. But outside of these two little nitpicks, this book was perfect.

The pacing was a little slower, but did this book really end with quite the climax! I still cannot get over the ending of this book and was so surprised with the turn of events. The situations that Locke and Jean are put into are so intriguing and how they deal with these situations is just as intriguing. 

I have really fallen in love with Lynch’s writing style. I find the writing to be sophisticated, but to be very straightforward. 

I highly recommend this book, as well as the first to any fantasy lovers.