A review by veelaughtland
Hannibal by Thomas Harris


Book 1 of the Reading Rush 2020 Readathon - Read a book with a cover that matches the colour of your birthstone (Garnet)/Read the first book you touch..

This was a weird one for me. I love the characters of Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Starling, so I should have loved this but I just found it a bit middling. The third book in the series wasn't quite as pacy as I was hoping it would be, mainly due to a section set in Florence that felt like it dragged a bit. And having seen the film adaptation prior to this... I hate to say it but I think the change they made to the ending was better because the book ending I didn't quite believe and so it didn't sit with me well. Saying all that though, this is still a good and well-written book - getting inside Lecter's head a lot more in this book was incredibly fascinating, especially the way Harris builds his 'memory palace', and there are some really shocking scenes and gory moments that I was living for. So yes, a good read but probably doesn't have the re-read factor like its predecessor.