A review by lagobond
Bear Can't Wait by Karma Wilson


I happen to think that [b:Bear Snores On|867248|Bear Snores On|Karma Wilson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1344390790l/867248._SX50_.jpg|650820] is one of the greatest children's books ever: a cute story, rhymes that roll just right, and the most charming illustrations imaginable. So I was pleased to find more Bear books by the same author/illustrator duo.

Bear Can't Wait is a fine book as well -- fun to read and gorgeous to look at -- but I'm not as enthusiastic about it as I am about Bear Snores On. Bear's excited impatience felt hectic and chaotic, which fits the story but left me feeling a little out of sorts. I also noticed a couple hiccupy rhyme pairs (surprise/sigh, den/friend, cake/celebrate). Karma Wilson is so very gifted with words that she was inspired to rhyme ready/confetti, so I know without a doubt that she could have fixed these little hiccups if she'd spent a bit more time.

Jane Chapman's illustrations are perfect as always. The picture of Bear sitting in the sunny clearing above his den is magical. If I were expecting a baby, I would frame this and hang it in the nursery.