A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
And The Stars Were Burning Brightly by Danielle Jawando


And this, this is the reason I have the Book Box Club and refuse to let go of it. The books they include are always outside my comfort zone and are nothing like the books I usually pick, but the girls have great taste. I got this as one of the possible 10 ARCs we could get and I couldn't be happier that this one crossed my path. It was an amazing, impressive, heavy and lovely read.

The story is as heavy as the blurb makes it sound. The theme is far from easy and watching the characters deal with all their emotions and worries and doubts and questions is heartbreaking. Especially because the better we get to know the characters, the more we start to care about them and the more we feel and understand their pain.

The characters are flawed in many ways. They make mistakes and wrong choices. They hurt people, mostly on accident, but still. They don't always know how to talk about what's going through their mind. But the moment they open up, the moment they share their grief and pain, something magical happens. The characters heal, only a little, but still, and we heal with them.

What made the characters all the more real is the fact that the book is written in a language that fits them. It's not clean English, it's not always proper or high class and it's not the English I've been taught in high school. But it's real. The way they talk and interact, the way thoughts run through their heads, the way they out themselves on social media. It's all so real.

And so is this story. Because maybe these characters are fictional, but their story isn't. Their struggles, what happens to them, it's real and it's happening. The internet can be a wonderful place, but it can also make lives literal hells without a way to escape. And a little teasing can have huge consequences, especially when it piles up. It's an important, raw book and I cried myself through the end of it.

This book deserves to be read. This book has to be read. Read this book.