A review by calbowen
Hounded by Kevin Hearne


The Good

the concept is kind of cool, when you have an ancient druid mixing in with the people of today. As I say, the Concept is good. Druid is the modern world, Thor is a tool, all gods and myths exist. Could be good - No way, Nuh-uh, not diggity do!

The Bad

Viking Vampire Lawyer? Seriously? Sorry, but you can NOT be a lawyer at night only - will not work - much less, finding an only at night law school - but, this is only a mentioned character, so I will not stay long, but, seriously, Viking Vampire Lawyer - weak

Some gods are not smart enough to change with the times and 'evolve' with humanity? They just stay their old selves, and become 'problematic' when dealing with modern law and people? Very weak

Woman shows up at the main characters house - they know each other, as they are both a couple thousand years old, so they sleep together, because gods and immortals like sex, but then the main Character talks about how he doesn't trust the female character - sorry, but huh? Known each other forever, used to hunt together, have had carnal relations, but don't trust her? So, smart enough to blend in with society, but not smart enough to stay away from people you do not trust?

Also, he mentions that his name is too close to his 'real' name, and that the gods would find him if they knew how to use the internet. Sorry. 2,000 year old guy figures it out, why wouldn't other 2,000 year old guys figure out the internet. Also, O'Sullivan would be common enough to not be the ONLY one in the world.

I just found this to be very lacking, and no where near whatever hype people say this has. I will not continue to read beyond the 25% mark if the pages contain stupidity, and this one is rife with it.