A review by saracat
Bone Weaver by Aden Polydoros


Polydoros does it again. I adored The City Beautiful and I adored this book as well. The character and world building is just so wonderfully done. And so many of the questions that are brought up throughout the book are such deep and meaningful questions.

Even though this is a fantasy world, you can feel clearly a lot of the real world influences and inspirations that Polydoros pulled from for this novel. (Well, with what I have learned about history and other cultures it was. Depending on what any given reader has already learned about certain cultures and specific times in history it may not be as obvious.)

The ending to this book is the type that I equally love and hate. I love it for how it ends things but still leaves things for the reader to imagine. But hate it because all I ca think is how I want the author to continue to story further. However, whether or not Polydoros writes a sequel to this or not, I loved this book and hope another book is not too far in the future.