A review by roxcollector
Batman/Superman Vol. 1: Who Are the Secret Six? by Joshua Williamson


Synopsis: Infected Jim Gorden (still unknown to Batman at this point) tricks Superman and Batman to investigate the disappearance of a child. Batman and Superman discover the cave of the Batman Who Laughs and encounter an infected Shazam. In the ensuing battle, Batman is injured and Shazam escapes. Superman managed to take two Batarangs from Shazam and he and Bruce conclude that the Batman Who Laughs wants to infect six heroes. Superman takes the toxin to go undercover to try and get answers from the Batman Who Laughs, who is being kept in the JL headquarters basement.

The Batman Who Laughs realizes this of course and says something to Batman, which makes him suspect Gordon. While Superman recovers from the toxin, Batman goes after Gordan. Once back at the Fortress of Solitude with Gordon, Superman and Batman are attacked by an infected Blue Beetle, Donna Troy and Hawkman. Supergirl shows up during the fight and becomes infected with the Batarang that had been meant for Superman.

The infected plan to bring a satellite from the dark multiverse with the power to infect everyone on earth into their plane of existence. Superman handles Supergirl, Shazam and the satellite, while Batman removes the Scarab from Blue Beetle and uses it to shut down the satellite on his end. Meanwhile, Donna and Hawkman have freed the Batman Who Laughs from his prison.

The last issue is basically about how the whole League now knows about Batman and Superman's little adventure and are none too pleased about them keeping secrets. Lastly, we see General Zod talking to Ra al-Ghul. Zod wants the Lazarus Pit for Kandor and he plans to take it since Ra is not willing to give it up.

Review: I think it is unfortunately forgettable at best. I suppose at the very least Batman knows Gordon is infected now, though I didn't expect the writers to reveal that to Batman so soon. And I will say, it is fun seeing the infected heroes even if I don't totally love their costumes (Donna's could have been way better). I thought it was an interesting line up of heroes that the Batman Who Laughs picked. The art is excellent throughout the whole volume, some very cool action shots in this one.

Okay, so what didn't I care for? The Batman Who Laughs. I've said this in almost every review I've written about books with him in it: DC, please stop. He's not that compelling to me anymore since he's all over the place. And I know it's supposed to be like an "oh, shit!" moment when you realize he always has a plan behind his plan, but when it happens all the time, I've come to expect it. So, when he escapes, I was like "oh, so that's how he was going to screw them over this time."

Overall, it's plain average. I have no idea where the plot with Zod and Ra is going or what it has to do with anything really, but I guess I'll give the second volume a shot. I'm not sure how necessary it is to read in terms of continuity, but I have a feeling I probably could have skipped this one.