A review by roxnn2000
Cinder by Marissa Meyer


5/5 stars

This was a fun re-imagining of Cinderella. I was completely taken in by the story and characters right from the get go.

Cinder is such an interesting take on Cinderella. She is a mechanic, which comes in handy as she is also a cyborg. I also love the way she interacts with others and how we get insight to how she sometimes sees the world with her cybernetic parts. She was a fascinating character that I loved.

I also enjoyed this version's Prince Charming, the gorgeous Prince Kai. He was a great love interest for Cinder and I really enjoyed the moments that they were together. I also liked how they interacted with other characters around them as the story progressed.

I liked that this wasn't just a straight re-imagining, although all the elements were there. There is always the threat of the Lunars bringing war and their queen trying to get Kai to marry her. I also liked that there were small moments to introduce us to characters that will play major roles in upcoming installments in the series that made sense instead of just pushing them onto us for sake of creating a series.

I listened to the audiobook version and I also wanted to comment that the reading was done very well and drew me in with every word. I could see the world that was being created and I felt like I was there too. It was a wonderful experience and I enjoyed it.

I don't really have too much negative about this book to say. The pacing was good and the characters were on point. I guess the only thing I can think of would be the one moment when Kai was flirting with Cinder the day after his father passed, but even then it isn't a huge deal as everyone deals with grief in their own way and it was a very funny scene overall.

Overall, I loved this story and couldn't wait to pick up the next book in the series. This one had me going through all the emotions that Cinder felt in each scene and there were even moments when I gasped or yelled at what was going on. I was completely drawn in.

I completely recommend listening, or reading, this book for anyone interested in re-tellings/re-imaginings of fairy tales or likes Sci-Fi stories. Pick it up, it is a good one.