A review by virginiacjacobs
The Deeds of the Disturber by Elizabeth Peters


The Deeds of the Disturber was pretty good. It's been better edited than some of the other books in the series, and Ramses has fully outgrown that stupid lisp. He still is an inconceivable child to me, but I guess you're allowed to do that when you write fiction. This book introduced a number of new characters, and two of them were Lords, so that became a little confusing. Also one of the Lords was dying of something, and I deduced it was syphilis, but in proper Victorian fashion, the book was very discrete about it. I think I prefer when the series takes place in Egypt (they were in England in this addition), and I'm really not sure that including Peabody's family added anything useful to the story line, but all in all, it was a very enjoyable read.