A review by teresajluvs2read
Smoke & Mirrors by Skye Jordan


**I received a copy of Smoke & Mirrors from. Net Valley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review. My opinions are my own and not solicited.**

Smoke & Mirrors by Skye Jordan is the second book in her series. I didn't read the first book and feel this could be read as a stand alone. I loved this story and give it a 4.7 a star rating. The best part of the book that will give you a laugh is when Isabel describes to Logan how many critters are staying in his rundown motel and what units they are in.

Isabel has become a pro at inventing stories of her time in New York trying to break into the cut throat world of fashion design. But she's on the run back to Hood River where she left friends and family abruptly after graduation. But she's not sure how long her lies will last once everyone finds out that the truth is very far from it.

Logan is a fire fighter who has trust issues and when Isabel shows up suddenly he invites her to stay in his motel that he's bought to renovate. But when he finds out that she's running from an ex-boyfriend who wants something she has will he see the real her and not the smoke and mirrors that she's told about her past? Because trust is something that he has to have not lies.