A review by reydeam
Frostbite by Richelle Mead


The Full Vampire Academy Series Review Blog Post: Mom-Musings

How can I begin to explain how I feel about this series?
Does it rock? Umm…not really, in my humble opinion.
Yet, I am completely and utterly drawn into the Vampire world that Mead has created. I read Vampire Academy, Frostbite and Shadow Kiss within two days! Yes folks, two days! The books certainly did… captivate me, had me turning the pages as quickly as I could, had me staying up to the wee hours of the night and waking to finish book three.
Why then, if I do not feel the series completely rocks, was I so compulsed to read all three books and want to read book four NOW?

In Frostbite...
We dive deeper into the characters and the vampire world. There are tensions between between Rose and Dimitri , Lissa and Christian heat up and we meet a new character that I rather like although he is secondary – Adrian.
There are some stupid decisions made which a high-price was paid. Rose is starting to learn in far greater depth the need for responsibility. Her character does see growth.

Each book, progressively, took me further and further into the lives of the characters and their world to the point that I was immersed.
I want to know more. I feel for the characters as I was drawn more into their world.
I have reached an understanding of Rose and her actions. She has grown on me.
The story, progressively, has grown and has become very intriguing.

Is this series worth reading?
However, if you are like me though and have a hard time reading about “bad” attitude kids…hang on for it truly does get better. The attitude is a helpful thing.