A review by montrez
The Deepest Roots by Miranda Asebedo


A beautifully crafted blend of magic, mystery, and best of all, sisterhood. I’ve read this book twice and I enjoyed the voice and feel of the writing. There were so many one- liners that felt like poetry.

3 things I like:
1. The sisterhood - I loved the realistic, complex friendship and deep bond between the girls.

2. World building: I’m a sucker for settings that come alive, fictional places that are so well developed they transport you into a vivid new reality. I loved the town legends, the history, and the character of the town itself.

3. The Magical elements: I loved the explanation and reasoning behind the girls’ gifts. Their abilities weren’t hidden, but were subtle quirks that added character and complexity to the people and the story itself.

Be on the lookout for:
❤️ a dash of sweet, genuine romance