A review by briarsreviews
Life Seemed Good, But... by Richard Bell


I have been slowly reading this incredible anthology book and I have to say, it is 100% worth it if you need a laugh!

This anthology series is all about comedy. Each little story (and I mean little, some are hardly a page) is full of smiles and giggles to make your day a little bit better. The stories connect a little, but it's not a giant "Marvel Cinematic Universe", if you catch my drift.

It's hard to make me laugh, but in the security of my own home I allowed myself to laugh out loud at this book. It's cute, it's sweet and it's shockingly amazing. There are some weirder stories, and some with a little bit more "adult content" or hints towards it. There are also many references to popular culture that you can pick up on (almost like a little game). In the back, Richard Bell included a glossary just in case you don't understand his colourful language, as well.

This book was written as a form of therapy for Richard, when his wife was going through treatment for cancer. As someone who's fatherh as passed away from cancer (and who went through waiting rooms and treatments galore), I think this book is a marvelous idea. I really hope this book reaches the masses, because it's well written and hilarious! It's also standing behind a really good cause.

I really loved that Richard Bell was constantly referencing aluminum foil hats. To be honest, I haven't heard people talk about them in years and it made me giggle! I remember kids in my class who used to WEAR aluminum foil hats because of silly conspiracies, so the memories that came flooding back reading this book made it so much better.

If you want something fun, quick or funny then this book is for you. I recommend this book to EVERYONE. Honestly, it's worth the read. Take some time out of your day and have a good laugh. Times are tough, we need some more positivity around and this book can provide it.

I have also heard a portion of the money made from this book will go to cancer research, so why not help out a good cause while you're at it?

Five out of five stars.

**Richard Bell got in contact with me and provided me a free copy in return for an HONEST review. This is my personal, honest opinion.