A review by annag77
Crais by Jaymin Eve


Just some quick thoughts.
I really enjoyed the first two books. Crais started off great! I loved reading from Fury’s point of view and wanted more of that. Honestly, I was bummed when we switched back to Abigail’s POV.

That’s another thing. I’m kind of over Abigail and Lucy. They came off as self righteous and immature. Only they were allowed to be rude. I kept thinking, "somebody please shut them up." Especially Lucy. Abigail has become a bit of a Mary Sue and could do no wrong
Spoiler even when she screwed up big time. Oh! And she was so Rude and Mean to Lucas. It was seriously uncalled for. . I was so happy when
Spoiler Fury called them on their crap and went after Lucy. I agreed with everything she said and was cheering her on in the fight. *fist pump*

So, Fury basically saved this book for me.

Last of all, what happened to Brace’s character?? I don’t recognize him anymore. He acted like a caveman who lost his spark.
Spoiler I understand he found loooove, but did his personality have to disappear? I hate that. It’s one of my book pet peeves

I’m still going to keep reading because I want to meet the new characters. Hopefully, the other characters will grow up a bit.