A review by bibliofilth
The Ones We're Meant to Find by Joan He

emotional mysterious tense fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


This was a challenging one for me, because there was so much about it that I really liked and almost an equal amount that just did not work for me at all. So we're gonna dust off the ol' bulleted list again.

What I liked:
+ The themes overall, but specifically the examination of privilege and complacency. Kasey comes from a wealthy family and lives in high status in an sheltered eco-city while the rest of the world is left to face the results of pollution and climate change, which include deadly storms and higher radiation levels. Additionally, people are barred from entering the eco-city based on the eco-sins of family past - if your great-great grandfather owned a pesticide company, you're barred from entering the eco-city. There is a LOT to unpack there and a lot of Kasey's story is about these various systems. It's also worth pointing out that the "solution" the eco-cities thrive on is by requiring citizens to spend most of their time in stasis pods and interact virtually - essentially escaping to a digital world while ignoring what's happening in the real world. All of that was fantastic.

I also really enjoyed the resolution of Kasey's arc and her solution. We see her intensely struggling with this anger, this desire to just let everyone suffer because they didn't do anything to stop all this pain (and oof, does that hit even harder after living through 2020 and dealing with anti-maskers) but ultimately she chooses life and rebirth - not just for those special or rich enough to "deserve it."

+ I think I might have a "thing" for purgatory-like stories, because I've definitely found myself drawn to media that has a purgatory-like setting. Cee's time on the island definitely fits this mold. I  saw a lot of reviewers say they found her earlier chapters dragged on and they enjoyed the latter ones more, but for me it's the exact opposite. The mystery of who Cee was, why she was on this island, what had happened to her, etc. was extremely compelling.

+ I really enjoyed the writing itself - it's very evocative even though it flits between first and third person.

+ Certain aspects of this reminded me of the video game Horizon Zero Dawn - not saying that this was clearly inspired by that game or anything like that, but it was a positive because it's something I liked in that game as well.
<i>Spoilers for both Horizon Zero Dawn and The Ones We're Meant to Find</i>:
Kacey reminded me of Elisabet - both of them are these incredibly intelligent, technology-focused heriones that feel distanced from everyone else. And Kacey's solution gives me flavors of Elisabet's solution as well.

+ That plot twist. One of them, because there's like 70.
Robot! I really enjoy robot fiction and questions about life and consciousness that come with it, so that was a pleasant surprise.

What I didn't like:
+ I really want to figuratively and metaphorically yeet both of the main male characters out of this story, particular the one involved in Cee's story. I get WHY he's there, but I think the exact same message could've been made without needing him and it just derailed Cee's entire storyline for me. It just wasn't a compelling romance and it distracted from the relationship between the two sisters and Cee's self-actualization. Unfortunately he's a main part of her story after a certain point so it's a pretty major part of the book. Likewise I just felt like the other male character could've been done better for the role he was serving in this story.

+ This is 100% a vibes/emotions >>> logic kind of story, which I'm normally fine with but it strained it a bit too much at parts. You really need to not pick apart or dissect any of the worldbuilding or character decisions because the story really just includes details in order to further the plot and just get you back to focusing on the sisters and themes it wants you to focus on.

+ Tied to that, there's a lot of worldbuilding details that are left pretty vague that would've helped further the themes if we saw more of them. Some of this is on purpose to further the mysteries and unanswered questions, but this extends to areas of the story where that's not really necessary. A non-spoilery example is a clear picture on what life outside the eco-cities is like - there's early references to ecological disasters and a latter reference to swimming in the ocean being banned due to pollution. Outside of that, it's left pretty vague with only a few details that come much further on in the story. I'd have liked to have some of that sort of info more upfront because it helps set the stage for the reader to understand the stakes and themes.

+ There's a final chapter that just summarizes everything that happened in the span of 6 years that was really annoying and I tbh it comes off like an editor asked the author to include it to add clarity and tie up loose ends. Idk if that's the reality, but I'm telling you that's how it comes across.

+ It was a little weird and distracting that there's a lot of new terms in this book for things that already exist, specifically science terms. I suspect that was done to make this feel more futuristic but it doesn't really make sense that we'd stop calling something by the same name we've been using in English for hundreds of years for no other reason than it's the future - especially when so many other words are unchanged. Imagine if "chairs" were suddenly called "butt pods." Actually...do imagine that, I'm going to start using that from now on.

Overall I would say this is worth reading.

Content Warnings: Death, grief, suicidal ideation, minor blood/violence
Representation: Both MCs are asian; author is of Chinese descent

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