A review by phoenix2
The Keeper of Night by Kylie Lee Baker


The Keeper of Night creates a dark and wonderful universe, with a beautiful setting and imaginary descriptions.

And the uniqueness of the book comes not only from the universe the story introduces, but also from the characters. Most of them are walking close to the gray area, sometimes even crossing over to the dark side. But the leading lady, especially, was a breath of fresh air, dynamic, strong, and evil. Her brother, on the other hand, was the perfect much for her, a sweet character to balance the violence of her sister. Meanwhile, Hiro was off right from the start and he remained the tragic character that, for me, needed to be explored a bit more. On that note, the reaper system and Ren's family situation required to be examined a bit further too.

And, even though the story is pretty original and different from the other YA out there, it felt rushed at times, like when Ren snapped and she made the mistake that cost her place in London. Also, there were a lot of repetitions, particularly during the delivery of Ren's thoughts, on the same page and chapter that was almost copy-pasted from the original above. Finally, the romance was odd and unbelievable.

That said, the book was pretty enjoyable, the story gory, dark, and masterfully written and the writing simply beautiful.