A review by lumbermouth
The Heart of Devin MacKade by Nora Roberts


The Heart of Devin MacKade, OR, Romantic Protagonist and Domestic Abuse & Rape Survivor Cassie Dolan Goes From One Frying Pan to Another, Sexier Frying Pan.

I can't even call her a romantic heroine because I did not give two shits about her, she just happened to be one of the lead characters. It's great that you and Devin can finally bone after like 15 years of him creepily pining for you, but maybe you should spend some time examining what you want, what you really really want, and not just be like "oh this hot sheriff dude says he loves me and looks like he will be a good dad, sounds good."

Also, Devin, when you say stuff like "I've waited 12 years, I can wait a few nights longer" and then a couple chapters later say "I've waited long enough" and write your resignation letter because you have to leave town because Cassie said she needed time to deal with what you dumped on her, you are being dumb and a jerk. BLERGH.