A review by bookishvicky
Alondra by Gina Femia


I wanted to love this so bad but holy shit I couldn’t. To preface: I’m a wrestling fan. Been one since I was a little kid. I’m also bisexual. So this book was like everything I ever wanted right? 


Let’s start with Alonda. I loved her character, but I feel like we barely know her, let alone the entire cast. I didn’t care about any of them, didn’t care about the romances, didn’t care about their journeys because I didn’t know them!

Next. There was no clear plot. Things just happened. The dialogue was very “how do you do, fellow teens?” Which is fine for YA I guess?

NEXT. the wrestling gimmicks— Jesus. I only liked Spider’s. Lexi had a Hurricane thing going, but using “powers” in the ring? You’ll never be Danhausen. And that indie wrestler was right! This shit is DANGEROUS if you don’t know what you’re doing! I love the concept of doing it with friends but truly any of them could have snapped their necks a la Daniel Bryan, I don’t want teens reading this and trying it but that’s the least of my worries. 

Onto the wrestling References. Give the indies some love please. WWE is not the end all be all. And AJ Lee?! Really? Is it 2012? Alexa Bliss is a way more modern “short girl wrestler” reference AND she’s arguably more interesting for “new wrestlers” given how her gimmick changed and evolved with her skill. 

Okay. TLDR— this idea was amazing, the execution was NOT IT. And that’s the bottom line, because stone cold said so. ((I’m so sorry this is scathing, I’m just being honest))