A review by lmmountford
Raise The Titanic by Clive Cussler


I should have probably done my research before trying to read this.

You see, i am doing reasearch for my own novel based on the decks of the doomed liner. This book came up in my googling, so i bought it. However, what i didn't know was this was published in 1980. Five years before the Titanic's wreck was discovered.

There was also a lot of creative liscence taken with this story (or i hope, otherwise Cussler should have really done his reasearch more furrowly) , so that makes it practically useless for research purposes.

However what really killed this story for me was the dialogue. The characters talk like writers writing a scene, i find it very unbelievable that people would actually say some of these things in general conversation. They just killed it for me.