A review by 8bitlapras
Lightspeed Magazine, September 2019 by John Joseph Adams


Science Fiction
Exile from Extinction by Ramez Naam: 4/5
Sacrid's Pod by Adam-Troy Castro: 5/5
Hello, Hello by Seanan McGuire: 4.5/5
The Answer That You Are Seeking by Jenny Rae Rappaport: 3/5

A Bird, a Song, a Revolution by Brooke Bolander: 5/5
Flight of the Crow Boys by Micah Dean Hicks: 4.5/5
All In by Rajan Khanna: 4.5/5
Desire by Kiini Ibura Salaam: 2.5/5

Average rating: 4.125/5, rounded to 4.25/5 stars. A really solid issue! It's nice to see the weird western subgenre get some representation.