A review by mtimms
The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life in God by Dallas Willard


There are some works, upon finishing them, that you know would yield great benefit and even more riches if you immediately began to reread them. Generally these are the books that have stood the test of time. The Scriptures, the works of early theology, the great literature of the nineteenth century.

The Divine Conspiracy has yet to face the rigors of passing centuries, but there can be little doubt of the riches it holds. Willard speaks of the fundamental spirituality of the Christian life in such a sensible and common sense way so as to make clear the simplicity and logic of following Jesus. Yet for all its sensibility, Willard also maintains an ability to inspire his reader to the very adoration of the Trinitarian God that is necessary for the dedication of one's life to that following.

A truly remarkable work that, if one allows it, offers a space for the Spirit to shape and mold the reader.