A review by jonesy_reads
The Last House on the Street by Diane Chamberlain


This is the first Diane Chamberlain that I have had the pleasure to read, and it leaves wondering how on earth I hadn't heard of her before. This book takes place in small town North Carolina, alternating between 1965 and 2010. Ellie grew up in Round Hill, and the summer of 1965 changed her forever. She made up her mind to aid in the civil rights movement by helping Black individuals register to voter, ahead of the voter reform act to be signed by LBJ, no matter what it might cost her or those close to her.

Fast forward to 2010 and Ellie has return home to care for aging loved ones, and finds the neighborhood she grew up in has expanded with a bunch of new homes being built. Kayla Is just moving into the dream home she and her husband built, and the end of Ellie's street. Kayla is told not to move in, that her property is cursed. Ellie befriends Kayla after Kayla's daughter is threatened, and her property is vandalized. As we learn more about what happened in Round Hill, in 1965, we begin to understand why Kayla was warned about the property, and why the land is believe to be cursed.

I really enjoyed the sections set in 1965. Although some parts were hard to read, they are an important reminder of the horrors and atrocities that befell Black individuals at the hands of the KKK, and those who chose to turn a blind eye rather than be an ally. It is a stark reminder that racism is lurking everywhere, sometimes in those we least expect. I was pleasantly surprised that I knew many of the freedom songs that they sing at their peaceful protests, it gave me a new appreciation for them.

Once I started reading this, I could hardly put it down. It's definitely a page turner, and I highly recommend it.
I also highly recommend using this book as a reminder to not tolerate hate in anyone, not even our friends and loved ones. And, that not choosing a side always supports the oppressor. Channel your inner Ellie, and speak up when racism occurs in your presence.