A review by darlala
Winterlight by Kristen Britain


3.5 stars.

Welcome back, Green Rider. While this isn’t the emotional roller coaster thrill ride of the first Green Rider, I feel like we have gotten back on track for what has made the series so good in the past…until books 5 and 6, which feel off-kilter and unrelated. As much as I love this series, I frequently wish books 5 and 6 didn’t exist. But I digress.

This book has a lot of flaws, but I was happy to return to the fantasy adventure of the first 4 books. Sadly, I still believe that the author thrills at torturing Karigan. It’s too much. It’s not believable. EVERYTHING happens to her. It’s disheartening and unrealistic.

I don’t have much more to say that better reviewers haven’t already said, but I cannot write any review for this book without discussing how incredibly disappointing the Karigan-Zachary storyline is. Enough already. Their relationship lost its shine when Karigan finally, FINALLY, fell in love with someone else. Yes, she lost him. And yes, that was heartbreaking and yet more torture for Karigan, but I just find it completely unbelievable that A. She would basically just fall right back into the same old tortured relationship with Zachary, and B. Allow herself to be treated this way. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE HER HIS MISTRESS. Gross. Karigan is better than that. She deserves better than that. Estora deserves better than that. It’s so so gross. I’m begging... Please don’t do it.

I despised the scene where Estora said they could be together. I love Estora and honestly, reading some other reviews and comments where they hoped she would die in labor were incredibly disturbing. I hate that Karigan and Zachary can’t be together, but this is the storyline we’re on and I’m sorry, but it’s run its course… Karigan deserves more. Estora deserves more. Zachary needs to grow tf up.