A review by si0bhan
Far from True by Linwood Barclay


Far From True is the second book in Linwood Barclay’s Promise Fall series, and I was rather let down by this one. I was not crazy about the first book in the series, Broken Promise, but there was enough potential for me to come back for more. I was ready for the usual standard of Linwood Barclay, the standard that has me hooked on his books, and was disappointed when this second book failed to deliver.

I think one of my biggest problems was that there was too much going on with this one. There are so many characters and so many different storylines, and they are not as interconnected as I would like them to be. There are connections, connections I’m sure will develop in the next book, but in this one it did not feel like the links were there. I felt like I was bouncing from one thing to the next, trying hard to keep everything straight in my mind.

In many ways, this one was a filler book. If you have read the first, this one progresses towards answers. New elements are introduced that will have you curious about how everything will come together, but it does not wow you alone.

All in all, I’m curious as to how this series is going to come together. The Promise Fall series is not my favourite from the author, but it has me wanting to see how everything comes together.