A review by oreosislife
Verity by Colleen Hoover


*There might be mild spoilers in the review*

It's really difficult to find low star rated reviews on gr for this book. The characters in this book were just trash. The plot is good and the writing is okay too but the things the characters said/did annoyed the hell out of me.

This was my first book by Colleen Hoover and all I've ever heard about CoHo's books is that they are are heartbreaking and painful to read. Are you seriously kidding me? I have no idea about whom and what should I cry over. Verity? Jeremy? Lowen? The ending completely changed my mind about Verity (though I'm still contemplating if it was good or not). I hated her so much (I know she was supposed to be hated but still...) I liked the way her character was written.

Lowen? Oh god she's such a bitch who thinks that ogling someone's husband is something which could be ignored. If she was a good writer and if she actually understood Verity's works then shouldn't she realize the truth behind Verity's manuscript?
SpoilerI mean if what Verity wrote was actually fiction then shouldn't she be able to good enough to analyse her works?
Also she was dumb af. I mean I could tell about Verity's condition at that first "paranormal" incident yet she took the entire book to realize what was (or wasn't) wrong with her.

Jeremy? This man should die please. He was such a jerk. What he did to Verity was unacceptable even if he was overdriven by grief. He was more of a "villain" than Verity.

Now let's come to the parts/things I didn't like in this book.

There were lots of insensitive lines thrown here and there in the book like-
“Can you blame her?” I’m irritated that he’s making baseless claims. I turn around to finish the dishes. “She lost both of her daughters. Anyone who suffers through something like that would want to find a way out.”

The way Lowen talked about Jeremy is just...*shudders*
"I’m sure she thinks Jeremy and I lock ourselves in the master bedroom together after she leaves every evening. I wish she were right."

"He is sweaty, but I don’t really think it’s gross."

"He didn’t even touch me—he touched my fucking driver’s license—and it turned me on."

The most eww worthy-

"I flip through the pages of Verity’s manuscript, hoping to find an intimate scene with Jeremy."

I have a question. What was the deal with April? Did she know about Verity?