A review by shandyt
Golden Fool by Robin Hobb


4.25 stars.

Having blasted through this book and straight into Fool's Fate without stopping to write a review, it was hard for me to recall what actually happened in this one. Golden Fool has the same middle book stodginess as Royal Assassin, but it does at least gain the benefit of some great character work that was missing from the latter.
SpoilerI was pleased to get to know Nettle through her dreams, and amused she dreamed Fitz as a furry. Web was also a nice addition, though I was suspicious of him at first. Thick, the new character introduced here, is wonderful—though the in-universe ableism, however justified by the prevailing societal attitudes, is uncomfortable at times to read. Fitz is not a man without compassion, though, and I was pleased as his own attitude evolved with time.

Another facet of the story that made me uncomfortable was
Spoilerthe arranged betrothal of Dutiful and Elliania. Dutiful is already quite young, but Elliania is a literal child! Of course there is historical and even modern precedent for betrothals happening young and far in advance of an actual wedding, but that wasn't the case here—it was made clear that as soon as Dutiful completed the Narcheska's quest, they would marry. No talk of delaying a consummation, either. I feel like this was a case where historical accuracy could have been suspended to let them both age up to at least 16 first, or Elliania's age shifted to be closer to Dutiful's. Chivalry wasn't married until his early 20's, and heck, Verity didn't get married until his latter 30's. Why jump the gun for Dutiful?

One thing that I thought was handled well was
Spoilerthe reveal of the Fool's alternate identity as Amber. I have spent a lot of time contemplating my own relationship to my gender, and processing other people's reactions to my contemplations, and Fitz's anger and confusion read as very real, if painful. He's got heteronormative blinders on, but I still love the guy—he's trying his best, you know? And as always, the Fool's more expansive insights on their gender are welcome and appropriate. Their views seem almost prescient, for a book written in the early 00's.

Spoilernear-fatal injury and skill healing were of particular note here, and while his recovery dragged on for a few too many pages, I did welcome the improvement of his physical condition and the lessening of the aches and pains that had plagued him.

Overall, none of this book felt as much like a drag as the middle entry of the first trilogy, but it did feel like setup—which proved to be mostly true when I moved on to Fool's Fate. So, before I forget what happened in that book, I had better move on and write down my thoughts.