A review by carolpk
The Die is Cast by Jenny Rogneby

E-galley graciously provided by Edelweiss, Other Press and Author, Jenny Rogneby for my honest review. A shout out also to GR friend Denise's review.
To be published August 1, 2017.

This international crime thriller defies the genre and anything you thought you knew. The first in a series, it features Leona Lindberg of Stockholm’s Violent Crime Division. A seven-year old girl is used as a pawn in bank robbery in broad daylight. Crawling, naked and bloody she enters and deposits a tape recording of a thunderous man’s voice demanding the money and threatening the girl’s well being. Leona is a capable detective but is thwarted at every turn by her boss, a medium, and even her own husband.

Spoiler If despicable characterization is your thing, The Die is Cast (Leona #1) is a must.

The author's webpage is worth a look also, particularly this bio:
Jenny Rogneby's bio.a>