A review by alexandragriffin
Soulless: The Manga, Vol. 3 by Gail Carriger


tl;dr I quite enjoyed this book, a good deal more than the previous one! IF you haven't read the previous book, there will be a pretty major spoiler that I kind of have to talk about, since this book revolves around said spoiler. So go read the other book first. 

Description Poor Alexia has had to leave home because of Lord Maccon's horrid accusations, and of course is not welcome in her toxic family's abode either. Not to mention the continued murder attempts on poor Alexia and her new... inconvenience. So Lady Maccon does the only thing she feels she can do: set out to find the templars who may have the information she needs to convince Conall of the truth. 

OH boy. So I first read the manga version of this book, which was fun. But its kind of like watching a TV show or a movie version, as there are many details lost in the manga. It was thoroughly enjoyable (especially seeing pictures of all the characters), but I ended up going back and reading the actual book version for the full detail. 


So yes. Alexia's poor infant inconvenience is making her life quite difficult. Poor girl. She didn't think she'd ever be a mother, then BAM!PREGNANT. Which sucks. Especially with Lord Maccon's reaction - and really, who can blame him? He, being a werewolf, cannot produce children. His initial instinct that she was cheating on him was quite upsetting, although not unexpected when its supposed to be impossible for him to have children. It was still quite upsetting to read though.


I loved that Alexia decided, if for no other reason than to get her reputation back, she was going to find proof that the child could be and was Conall's. Such the fighter, I absolutely adore her for that! And I love that she ends up taking Floote and Mlle LeFouxe. I do so love the interactions between Genevive and Alexia, its quite hilarious. Genevive flirting with Alexia, and Alexia getting all flustered. 


And can I just - the scenes of Lord Maccon being drunk crack me up. I was absolutely tickled with them, giggling to myself with my nose in the book. As soon as I came across that in the manga, I had to instantly go find it in the book and I was just so amused. I'd love to see those on a TV or movie screen, SO funny. Oh boy. 


But yes. I liked the adventures of this book, Alexia on the run from vampires and their drones trying to kill her while trying to figure out if it is possible for a preternatural and an alpha werewolf could conceive a child. Much better than the last book, but then there wasn't as overwhelmingly much of Felicity or Ivy, either. Definitely worth a read!