A review by redamancyreads
A Feather's Worth by S.A. Parker


Aaaaahhh, Dell! I’ve missed her so much! When this book hit my kindle..I instantly devoured it!

I was sad when I finished it, because seriously when you have a story this good? You never want it to end! But this is written so beautifully that when it does end, you’re still left feeling satisfied.

It’s this bittersweet feeling. I mean..don’t get me wrong..I was thissss close to flipping tables over when I read the very last page because I mean..COME ONNNN how could any sane person not feel that way?

Buuuut..at the same time I was thinking “daaaaaang that was the PERFECT way to end this book!”

I’ve said it before and here I am saying it again - it takes TALENT to write a story that seriously has such a beautiful flow of showing vs telling and the PERFECT amount of mystery and information sprinkled in!

Throughout this story, under all the comedic conversation and sarcastic remarks, Dell is this insanely strong and protective female. She KNOWS so much, forgets NOTHING and in my opinion loves deeper than any one female character I’ve read before.

August can’t get here soon enough because after that ending? I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to think of anything else until then!

Bravo S.A. Parker, BRAVO!