A review by astrireads
Passenger by Alexandra Bracken


This is more of a 3.5 star rating for me *hey Goodreads, maybe update the rating mechanism?*

I wanted to give this a four-star rating but I felt like the book was too long and I couldn't really connect with the characters. The first few chapters of the book didn't draw me in and I could easily put the book down, but as I kept going, I wanted to know what happens next and could not stop reading!

The description of the clothing and structures of the past in this book was truly fascinating. I'm sure the author must have taken a long time to research about it! This is actually the first book I read which has an African American as the main character and love interest (I know, I should be reading more diverse books). I felt like the romance between Etta and Nicholas wasn't one for the ages, but I do think that Nicholas is an incredibly sweet person.

The ending wasn't one that I expected, my jaw literally dropped to the floor. Spoiler to come.


I didn't expect her to die! Am I actually reading an alternate timeline? Omg mind-blowing!

I didn't rate this book five stars, but I would still like to read the next book! Hopefully, Etta's story would conclude well!