A review by jlmb
The Bloomsday Dead by Adrian McKinty


This would be great to read on a long journey, it's quite the page turner. You need to really amp up your willing suspension of disbelief, though. Michael, the protagonist of the trilogy, is at this point like a superhero or Wile E. Coyote, no matter what he keeps going. The majority of the book takes place on one very long day in Ireland. A day where Michael does not need to really eat or drink, other than a bit of tea at a whorehouse, some slugs of booze & a handful of morphine pills taken from the pocket of an elderly terrorist commander he has kidnapped. The morphine pills come in handy because over the course of that day he is in a serious carwreck - it flips and rolls, killing the majority of the car occupants(convenient!) - his stomach is gashed open by a knife(never fear, he sews up the wound while he's drinking tea at that whorehouse), he is beaten with a baseball bat, possibly breaking several ribs, is kicked repeatedly in the chest, he is hit with shrapnel from a rocket launcher, he possibly detaches a retina during the carwreck (he mentions once that is eye is messed up but then never mentions it again) and of course he is constantly running - literally running throughout the city - either being chased or chasing someone. Whew! Oh, and he kills a bunch of people too. It's an exhausting day.