A review by brassaf
Force Heretic III: Reunion by Sean Williams, Shane Dix


I tried to power through this book quickly for three reasons. 1) I am SO far behind in my Star Wars reading and come on, really? Just do it already. 2) I didn't want to pause it so I could read this week's Sci-Fi book club book. Just finish it already! 3) I wanted to finish this trilogy before I forgot what happened in the other two books.

I know, I know, useless boring information! (UBI as my wife refers to it.)

I liked a few things about this book that went beyond the routine, as far as Star Wars epic NJO installments go. One, the call backs to Anakin and Obi-Wan from their visit to the [b:Star Wars: Rogue Planet|758614|Star Wars Rogue Planet|Greg Bear|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1320467624l/758614._SY75_.jpg|2510169]. Two, and I wasn't sure I was going to like this, the focus on Tahiri and her transformation. I ended up liking where they took it. I have been very happy that her character, introduced in the Junior Jedi Knights kids' series, continues to play a prominent part in the NJO, even after [spoiler]Anakin's death a few books back[/spoiler]. Three, making Jag a likeable character. Before he was just sort of the whiny hot shot pilot and wanna be boyfriend. He finally got some good character development. Four, the return of Droma and the mysteries of the Ryn.

I can sort of see where the NJO might be going, from the other plot of Nom Anor and his fake prophet role, and the resolution of the rogue planet storyline in this book. I unfortunately already have had a few NJO-end game spoilers which I'm trying to ignore. Well anyway, book 17 in the can! Just a couple or three more to go to finish this series!