A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Bound by Death by Jes Drew


I have to admit that I mostly got this book because I had already gotten another book in this series via BookSirens too. I really like those series of sort of connected tales written by different authors. Firstly because those books are usually shorter reads I can squeeze in whenever I don't have much reading time. But secondly because it's an easy way to get to know new authors. So, I was very curious if this arc I got via BookSirens would scream for more.

What I absolutely loved about this book was the mix of all the different mythologies and lore. There are some Egyptian influences, there are very certainly some Greek mythology elements, there are Fae and their different courts and despite this clash of all those different elements I never had the impression it became chaotic or all over the place. It felt like the author really knew how to make this mixed up world work.

I also very much liked the hero of this story. For once the hero was not this dominant, dark and brooding hero. He was charming, he was galant, he was sweet and in ways even slightly naive. But he was most of all the kind of hero this story needed. He was a little bit of sunshine in a very dark world. And because of his love and goodness he was also the only one with the willpower to stop the dark plans the villains were trying to execute.

And that brings me to the romance. Since this is an arranged marriage and since the characters never get much time to get to know each other it's not a mind-blowing romance. And yet it's easy to understand why the characters does have a certain connection. It's easy to understand why he is willing to move the earth for her and why she is getting more and more determined to prevent him from doing so.

I was very positively surprised by this story and I might see if there are other books by this author speaking to me.