A review by melb876
Peaceweaver by Everly Haywood


Confusing, convoluted story

I don't see Hades and Persephone in this story unless the whole light elf living in the dark elf world is the tie-in. It is more of a Beauty and the Beast tale. There is a curse, and Persis is forced to go serve as a healer for the cursed dark elf prince. Persis is the daughter of a merchant who lost his fortune when his merchant ships were lost at sea.

The FMC was annoying. She was so strong in her magic and healing, but she was annoying. It seemed the author tried to write Persis as talented and stubborn, but she constantly misused/overextended her magic, and caved at the slightest pressure when she should have and could have stood her ground.

Also, what the heck was she doing during the week before the wedding? There was a root that was supposed to help enhance her magic to help her break the curse on Prince Haryk, but instead of looking for it, it wasn't even brought up again until after the wedding, when it was discovered to be in the apothecary, but of course, something happens and it is stolen. Perhaps the introduction of the root's ability to help should have been saved for maybe right before the wedding.

Final thoughts: The story dragged on longer than necessary. It had terrible plot holes, too many spots of new information being randomly dumped on the reader, and the curse's origin was never really explained. It feels like the reader is dropped into a world they should already know about, so there were holes in the world-building.

I originally planned to read the next book, the Grimkeeper, but the FMC Dagmar was introduced in this first book, and she did not strike me as an interesting enough character.