A review by tashrow
I Know Here by Laurel Croza, Matt James


The little girl in this story lives in a remote area of Saskatchewan where her father is helping to build a dam. She lives in a trailer among a group of trailers. There are woods to play in, a creek to catch frogs, and lots of animals. But now her family is moving to Toronto. Her teacher in their one-room school suggests that the children draw pictures to remind them of this place. So the girl decides that she will draw a picture of her beloved home and all that surrounds it so that she can carry it with them to her new home, safe in her pocket.

Croza’s words are understated and so allow us to really feel the emotion coming through them. She has captured the emotions with skill and grace, not overwhelming them, but allowing them to stand on their own. So many children have either moved or are about to move that this book will find a welcome audience and even better will offer children a way to deal with their emotions and what they miss or will miss.

James’ illustrations are wild at times with a giant, alien frog on one. They have intriguing perspectives and through the deep color also help reveal the emotions of the text. They are imaginative and fantastical, capturing a world of wonder for the reader in their paint.

Few picture books have ever moved me to tears. This is one of them. There was such a bittersweet tone at the end that I responded from the gut. Beautiful. Appropriate for ages 4-7.