A review by jessicaleza
Autism: A New Introduction to Psychological Theory and Current Debate by Sue Fletcher-Watson, Francesca Happé


"The difference between one person's sensory sensitivity to artificial lighting and another person's autism is not simply a matter of intensity of reaction but of patterning and complexity" (p. 4).

"Developmental processes do not necessarily follow simple upward trajectories from less to more skilled" (p. 6).

"An autistic person's personal satisfaction with their life depends not so much on their being autistic, as on the capacity and willingness of those around them to understand, accept, and support them" (p. 8).

"Difficulties and strengths present themselves differently across the lifespan, and in different environmental contexts" (p. 19).

Something About Us campaign (p. 21)
social model / post-social model (p. 22)