A review by openmypages
One Jar of Magic by Corey Ann Haydu


"Except that's not quite exactly what was wrong to begin with. The thing I'm most scared of in my family was never that they might split up. It's that they might always stay together like this."

"My father is a hundred wonderful things. But he is also a few not-wonderful things."

"Magic can only fix the surface of things. Magic can change what you see, but it can't change anything deep down."


Imagine your father is one of the most famous magic gatherers in the world and he has high hopes for your first magic gathering. All of your life he has spent preparing you for the glory of this day and your chance to carry on his legacy. He's even given you a nickname, 'Little Luck.' But when that day comes, after the magic has disappeared, you have only gathered only one jar.

This is Rose Alice's fate. Suddenly her life is thrown into turmoil when her father's lifelong dreams for her are not realized. She begins to see how her father has always treated her mother and brother, like an average person not capable of greatness, she sees this because this is now how he treats her.

This story covers some very serious topics around self-esteem and touches on domestic violence. Not the overwhelming domestic violence you think about when you see families on the news but the more subtle type that can be just as dangerous and much easier to hide. The dedication is beautiful: "To everyone who thought they had to be someone better, stronger, faster, more. To everyone who helped them understand they were enough just as they were."

I wish this book was on the shelves when I was Rose's age. It would have helped me understand that my dad's anger and violent outbursts were not my fault. That his expectations for my behavior did not define my worth. This is a great middle grade read with a powerful message. Don't assume by its fun cover that it is just about whimsical magic, there is so much more to the narrative.

Thank you to Katherine Tegen books for an advanced copy and allowing me to read and provide my honest opinion.