A review by chlorentine
Erzulie's Skirt by Ana-Maurine Lara


:( sad...It was beautifully written. It had so much going on in terms of format, the shifting points of view, the lax take on the passage of time, the intimacy, the racism/discrimination within the same island...It's a lot to take in. Although Miriam was my favorite, several of Micaela's emotionally scarring backstories left me reeling. Their excursion to Puerto Rico, too, was horrifying. I'm glad that the ending was bittersweet rather than just bitter. Their lives are so so tragic and I'm glad that by the last few chapters, their chance to finally rest and have a happy time in their lives finally presents itself.
Still, the vast majority of this book was so so so so so sad. I don't think I would have read this book if it wasn't for a class. I did enjoy it and I'm glad I read it, but it's. HEAVY. It's the kind of book that weighs on you.