A review by mimosaeyes
Wheel of the Infinite by Martha Wells


Ever read a book and know from the first few pages that you're in good hands? That's how I feel about Martha Wells. Prior to picking up this book, I'd read her Murderbot novellas, and I wondered if I'd like this since the genre and atmosphere are quite different. As it turns out, without a doubt I am a fan!

The mythology of this fictional world is deep and absorbing, and the characters are likeable and feel real. Maskelle, our protagonist, is a woman in her late 40s, which is refreshing if you've read one too many YA books with leading ladies in their teens or early 20s. (I write, as a 20-something-year-old myself.) She's cool and competent but also Tired (TM), which makes sense given her backstory.

A word of praise for the romance arc between Maskelle and Rian. Somehow, even though he basically starts following and protecting her after their first meeting, it doesn't feel like instalove, and even though they sleep together within the first third of the book, it doesn't feel too fast. In fact, it feels so natural and understated. I think it's because they aren't declaring their eternal love and devotion for each other, and drama doesn't arise because of their developing relationship. The romantic and sexual tension is conveyed in a subtle and mature way.

The plot is a cool concept, and wraps up really satisfyingly. I can see that this makes a good standalone fantasy novel, but I would happily read a continuation of this story.