A review by jaimejustreadsromance
Hledání vytouženého dne by Jennifer Probst


4.5 Stars
I really liked everything about this book. It had the same feel as a Penny Reid book so of course I loved it.
You have quirky Kate and her group of misfit friends/business partners and then you have uber alpha male Slade (that name is so hot btw). The story revolves around Kinnections and the matchmaking business but Kate's special "touch" is the twist in this story and gives it that perfect bit of flavor that makes it so fun.
Slade's persistence in getting Kate into bed raised the steam factor to perfection. The electricity between the two of them was above board.
A hippie mom, a shy sister, two single business partners and a bestie in a questionable relationship rounded out the cast of characters and opened up a bunch of opportunities for future books in the series. I can't wait to read the next story!!

*I received an ARC from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.