A review by danireadsbooks1
Una principessa ribelle by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Thank you to Valentine PR for providing me with a copy of this book; all opinions are my own.

I did not think I would like this book so color me surprised to rate it a solid 4 stars. This was just pure entertainment. Pure entertainment. Does it make sense? Sort of. Kind of. Moderately, but I would read it again just because I had a blast.

Quick Synopsis: Adeline is a princess of England and as such has duties and responsibilities to the crown and her family that she simply does not want to fulfill such as marrying a man she doesn’t love simply because her father wants her to. Enter Josh, the sexy Hollywood movie star who is immediately taken with her and she with him, but it’s a struggle to make it work when both are the object of all paparazzi desires and the world can’t know about their affairs, and neither can her family.

Trigger warnings: death of a family member, attempted assassination, assasination, death, stalking, troubled familial relationships, parental neglect, parental emotional abuse

What I liked:
-I liked how much I did not expect to like this novel, but did.
-At first, I thought Adeline was just another heroine that says she’s “such a rebel” but doesn’t back it up; what’s great for us though, is that Adeline is in fact a rebel and it’s fantastic.
-The banter between Josh and Adline is absolutely A+ top tier banter; exquisite.
-The relationship between Josh and Adline is really engaging. There is currently a lot of conversation about men who are strong enough and secure enough in themselves and in their manhood to be able to make a woman feel like she is safe enough to be submissive, and I believe that’s the dynamic we have here: Josh is able to make Adeline feel so safe she doesn’t have to dominate him, but can rather submit to him.
-The ending is absolutely wild, bananas, insane.
-I really enjoyed the scenes where we get info specifically about paparazzi because I think it sparks a conversation around how harmful they can be for the people they’re stalking.

What I struggled with:
-The storyline is wild and all over the place. It’s like a soap opera which is equal parts great and also unbelievable to an extreme sometimes.
-The ending was so much. There were so many reveals I was a little overwhelmed.
-There is a scene where Adeline is riding her horse and well, I’m a rider, and some of it either didn’t make sense/didn’t seem accurate from my experience. Nit-picky, but here we are.

I did not like the This Man series by this author, but I genuinely did enjoy this one.