A review by allieeveryday
Fate of the Fallen by Kel Kade


I love it when books end right in the middle of the story!!! But I should have known, I mean it's practically a law that all fantasy books have to be part of a series... sigh. And of course the next one isn't out yet, which also seems to be law with these things.

I was pretty entertained by this story - it flips the Chosen One narrative, if not on its head, then at least kind of sideways. Matthias and Aaslo are BFFs, and when Matthias finds out he's the Chosen One, prophesied to save what looks like Europe but is named something else, he sets out to save Not-Europe, and immediately gets attacked by monsters and dies. (This is not a spoiler.) Aaslo followed Matthias just in time to see him die, and takes up his mantle instead. Everyone proceeds to tell Aaslo it's a fool's errand, everyone is doomed, might as well lay down and wait. Aaslo doesn't like doing nothing.

Other than it ending in the middle of a bunch of action, this was action-packed and full of interesting characters that were fleshed out well. I stayed engaged with it the whole time. Particularly liked Aaslo's admissions that he's just bumbling along most of the time because he doesn't know how to save anyone, but might as well try. I LOVED Teza and Peck and Mory, and also came to really like Myropa. Great characterizations.

But again, it's not outside the realm of possibility for a fantasy novel to be like, 700 pages, so whyyyyy stop therrrrrrre.

3.5 stars.