A review by ameserole
Save Me by M.C. Frank


Save Me wasn't ever on my radar but when I saw that it worked for a challenge AND it features Pride and freaking Prejudice? Well, it didn't take a genius to realize that I was definitely going to jump into this one. Even though I never read the previous book.. I didn't care one bit people! Maybe one day I'll dive into it.. but today is not that day.

Okay, so, this was cute at times but it made me want to stop reading the book and watch the movie instead. The characters were kind of cute but I wasn't completely invested in them. Luckily, the book was pretty quick to get through but I wanted something more from them.

In the end, the setting was beautiful and the romance was okay. But I kept thinking that something was missing from this modern take.. and I'm not sure what it was.