A review by sarahs_bookish_life
Cold Fusion 2000 by Karl Drinkwater


Alex is a full on geek, A teacher, heavily into his physics. He isn’t the most interesting of characters to start with, being quite boring as he rarely goes out and socialises, definitely more of a loner, enjoying his own company. As we get to know him though, I could feel him growing on me and I enjoyed his social awkwardness.

He is actually a bit of an anti hero. In parts he surprised me with him stepping up to the mark which made me enjoy his character that little bit more. His relationship with the opposite sex, is what really makes this story. There is an innocence to it and made me reminisce of my younger self and past relationships.

I love the female characters in the story. They all bring something different to the story. Kelly, his sister, again reminded me of what life was like with an older brother and the squabbles. I loved how feisty she is. Natalie on the other hand, her friend, is more wiser than her years of which I think is down to her own family background making her grow up that little bit quicker. Lucy, well, you need to read this book to fully understand her character but she certainly makes for an interesting one.

Cold Fusion 2000 is not your straight forward romance/coming of age story. I mean the main character is twenty eight years old for a start! It does have a deeper meaning though, not to live looking back on life but to look ahead instead. By the end of the novel, I really felt a bond with Alex. I loved the beginning of the book also where the author cleverly transports the readers back, well if you are a certain age, to some truly classic song choices that flooded my mind with memories. If you’re looking for something a little bit different, I highly recommend this book.

My thanks to the author for a readers copy of this book. All opinions are my own and not biased in anyway.